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Sonntag, 27. November 2016

A Sunday afternoon in Lucerne

A week ago I went to the IMAX in Lucerne with two of my dearest friends, to watch "Wild America". We all three are fans of the beautiful, wild and versatile american nature, so we really enjoyed the movie. It brought back so many memories of my trip and I instantly felt this strong wanderlust. However afterwards we incidentally ran into my cousin and his family whom I haven't seen in years, it was so nice to meet them.
The weather was nice and it was unusually warm, so we walked to the city along Lake Lucerne and enjoyed the georgous sights, good conversation and had a snack and some hot chocolate. It was a good Sunday. Unfortunately i left my camera at home, so it's only iPhone pictures.

Can you tell, we loved the sun.

 To top it all, we could watch a pretty sunset on our way home.

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